Tue Sep 17 2024 08:27:09 CEST
"The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time." --Tom Cargill of Bell Labs
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21 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
8416 ThinLinc Build sy bugzilla-qa NEW --- Migrate cenbuild to git Mon 14:25
8321 ThinLinc Document wilsj REOP --- The TAG installation chapters have questionable structure, content, and scope Thu 13:31
8425 ThinLinc Document bugzilla-qa NEW --- tl-config man page contains errors Wed 13:51
8367 ThinLinc Document bugzilla-qa NEW --- The chapter "Customizing the User’s Session" is difficult to understand Wed 12:54
8424 ThinLinc Document bugzilla-qa NEW --- Important info is cropped out from "ThinLinc startup" diagram Wed 12:54
7945 ThinLinc Document bugzilla-qa NEW --- Documentation has spelling errors Wed 11:12
8420 ThinLinc Document bugzilla-qa NEW --- Instructions to verify RPM signatures are too prominent Wed 11:12
8421 ThinLinc Document bugzilla-qa NEW --- Instructions to verify RPM signatures misses good security practices 2024-09-10
8178 ThinLinc Document bugzilla-qa RESO FIXE Excessive HTML titles in documentation Wed 11:22
7884 ThinLinc Document bugzilla-qa RESO FIXE Hard to understand how to configure a simple cluster Wed 11:17
5499 ThinLinc Misc astrand NEW --- unhelpful message in tl-select-profile when no executable profiles are found. 16:48:39
8371 ThinLinc Misc bugzilla-qa NEW --- tl-config completion depth differs when completing folders and parameters 2024-09-10
8384 ThinLinc Misc bugzilla-qa NEW --- Some config paths in tl-config can't be tab completed 2024-09-10
8423 ThinLinc Misc bugzilla-qa NEW --- tl-config tab completion suggests invalid paths 2024-09-10
8422 ThinLinc Misc bugzilla-qa NEW --- tl-session-param tabcompletion is fragile 2024-09-10
2068 ThinLinc Other ossman NEW --- Webcam support 2024-09-10
8359 ThinLinc Other samuel CLOS FIXE Specific tab completer functions lack unit tests Wed 14:56
4730 ThinLinc Server O astrand NEW --- Server isn't packaged for Arch Linux Mon 10:04
8426 ThinLinc VSM Agen bugzilla-qa NEW --- Unexpected traceback in vsmagent Fri 13:22
7948 ThinLinc Web Acce emeer NEW --- Web Access doesn't send Strict-Transport-Security header Fri 11:33
5008 ThinLinc Web Admi aaron NEW --- Not clear that tlwebadm changes require a restart of services Fri 09:45
21 bugs found.


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