ID | Product | Comp | Assignee▲ | Status▲ | Resolution | Summary | Changed |
8499 | ThinLinc | Web Acce | bugzilla-qa | NEW | --- | webaccess fancy placeholder background bugs in Chrome | 16:27:46 |
8500 | ThinLinc | Web Acce | bugzilla-qa | NEW | --- | apple-mobile-web-app-capable meta tag is deprecated | 13:59:04 |
8501 | ThinLinc | Web Acce | bugzilla-qa | NEW | --- | Browsers warn about preloaded links not being used | 14:11:37 |
8498 | ThinLinc | Web Acce | bugzilla-qa | CLOS | FIXE | CapsLock/NumLock sync is incomplete | 2025-01-22 |
File a new bug in the "Web Access" component of the "ThinLinc" product