Mon Sep 16 2024 14:43:41 CEST
"What can I do with Python that I can't do with C#? You can go home on time at the end of the day." -- Daniel Klein
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14 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
2553 ThinLinc Serial p astrand NEW --- Catch read/write/etc on /dev/ttyS? 2017-01-17
2801 ThinLinc Serial p astrand NEW --- Serial port redirection breaks audio recording 2016-12-05
2815 ThinLinc Serial p astrand NEW --- cyclades-serial-client does not handle reconnects 2016-10-06
2872 ThinLinc Serial p astrand NEW --- problem starting cyclades-serial-client in already redirected environment 2019-04-16
5783 ThinLinc Serial p astrand NEW --- Migrate cyclades-serial-client from Sourceforge to GitHub 2016-05-12
5785 ThinLinc Serial p astrand NEW --- Migrate sercd from Sourceforge to GitHub 2016-05-12
5859 ThinLinc Serial p astrand NEW --- serial port redirection requires LD_PRELOAD on server 2016-05-03
5914 ThinLinc Serial p astrand NEW --- sercd.exe fails AppVerifier Basic/Handles test on cyclades-serial-client startup 2016-05-31
6037 ThinLinc Serial p astrand NEW --- stray serial port lock file left in /tmp 2016-10-11
6047 ThinLinc Serial p astrand NEW --- serial port redirection gets stuck in echo loop 2019-10-22
6048 ThinLinc Serial p astrand NEW --- serial port support is too broken to be useful 2019-10-22
6051 ThinLinc Serial p astrand NEW --- serial port options leaks memory 2016-10-11
536 ThinLinc Serial p astrand ASSI --- libcyclades-serial-client doesn't support ioctls 2022-04-06
2816 ThinLinc Serial p astrand ASSI --- cyclades-serial-client only supports 8 bit data size (cs8, not cs7 etc) 2013-08-22
14 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Serial port redirection" component of the "ThinLinc" product